She is Black Girl Magic: Meet Selena Carty

Please tell us a little bit about you, your business and where you are from? 

My name is Selena Carty, I was born in the early 1980’s and I am a mother of two (13 & 6). I am first generation born and raised in Brixton, London, England, to parents both born before 1962 in British Jamaica, British West Indies.

Travelling, Cheesecake and making new discoveries are key components to my life that makes living so much more enjoyable for me. I love experiencing what I see and how that translates into what I think, do, and produce, in the same way with what I eat.

My key roles are: Cultural & Ancestral Genealogist, Global War Heritage Specialist, Identity and Empowerment Consultant & Founder of the BlackPoppyRose CIC & BlackRose of Remembrance.

I also, research, write, curate, work on documentaries, consult and so much more.

With that being said I am also a student at Goldsmiths’ University studying a BA Hons in History with Military History.

What have been some of your key achievements to date? 

Achievements to date…. Still being here and motivated for 14 years. Having worked in three continents and seeing how the work I do impacts the lives of several generations. Regarding my work, four of my key achievements are; Number 1; Being commissioned to be the African Military Consultant for the creation of Activisions first Black protagonist character Sir Arthur Kingsley in the game Call of Duty – Vanguard in 2021.  Number 2; Taking World War II Veteran, Ex WO1 Joseph Ashitey Hammond to Takoradi to learn about his journey from his home in Accra to Takoradi, and then to Burma with the 82nd West African Division, Gold Coast Regiment in the Royal West African Frontier Force (RWAFF) in 1944. He was 96 at the time of the trip. Number 3; Becoming Marcus Moziah Garvey’s family genealogist and presenting his death certificate to his 90-year-old son Dr. Julius Garvey for the first time in 83 years since his passing. Number 4; Seeing King Charles III of the United Kingdom wearing a BlackPoppyRose on the 8th of November 2023 in public.

What tips would you give to anyone wanting to start a business in your industry? 

Tips and Tricks to starting a business in this industry…there are four tricks I will share. 1. Do not allow yourself to be consumed with the past! You weren’t there so be objective in a way that allows you to analyse and not judge. 2. Socialising is equally as important as the time you spend in archives/libraries & researching. 3. Never ignore your passions, as they drive your motivation, determination, and direction. 4. Trust your spirit when it comes to your intuition about anyone you meet. You are not supposed to work with everyone and be encouraged to know that what is for you ‘will not miss you!’

What would you say the pressures and challenges have been for you to date? 

The challenges I face are finding balance. As I cover five continents, 15+ world-wide wars, identity & empowerment for all, through genealogy, I find it challenging to do it all. As of right now I am developing a team of specialists and enthusiasts to work alongside me,(No-one works for me) to keep exploring and expanding on the narratives, archives, artifacts and more that can be infused into the work I keep developing.

What new projects are you working on for 2024?  

Our Ancestors Served’: Is my new project for 2024. OAS will focus on the idea of ‘Service’. What does it mean? What can it look like? and ‘How’ are each of us in service? Exploring nationality and the multi-layers of identity. Delving deeper into where we find ourselves in the timeline of history, and the impact our presence has made, which has been found to nurture self-esteem, self-value, and self-worth of anyone learning these concepts. Although it has a heavy focus on service within warfare, we go into more discussions around the impacts those wars have had on family and identity. This is done country by country and broken down further into regions to be able to explain the diversity that frames all our ideas and outputs.

Marcus Garvey & Me: The Right Honourable Marcus Moziah Garvey, is Jamaica’s first National Hero and the worlds Global Ambassador for Black Liberation. 110 years ago, Marcus Moziah Garvey and Amy Ashwood Garvey founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association & African Communities League. This organisation still exists today! I currently work with his family uncovering information that has not been seen by the public, whilst exploring the different ways his work has and continues to influence us today. Making the work he and many others started over a century ago relevant today. Challenging the minds of the current generations that want to explore what they too will leave behind for the generations within the next century to also find inspiration. Legacy starts when you make a choice to work towards the change you feel is needed.

How do you self care yourself? 

My self-care is structured around my mental well-being. Learning what I enjoy and what makes me feel a sense of happiness is what I work towards finding. Cheesecake is my first enjoyment that I attribute to being an important part of my self-care, lol. I also frequent the theatre as often as my diary permits as the environment allows my mind to experience the artistry and execution of the entire team effort. From the writers, producers, set designers, musicians, actors, lighting team and more. My mind explores the intricacies of what it takes to tell a story and the delivery (My mind is always moving). My sister had introduced me to Floating therapy. This therapy has me floating in a pod (for one) within half a tonne of Epsom salts. This experience supports the settling of my muscles and nervous system and I can say it helps me relax and sleep well for several days after.

Where can our readers connect with you online? 

You can connect with me on LinkedIn @Selena Carty

Our websites:,,

You can also find us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

Both Photos by @long_skiez

Jenni Steele

Jenni Steele has a twenty-year career supporting, educating and uplifting the community. She is a mother, GlamMa, author, patron of Ashmole International School in Ghana, national ambassador for THIUK, and founder of Project YANA CIC.

Jenni is an author, her new books Self Discovery Exercise Journals for boys and girls. She has been featured in books and talk shows. She has interviewed celebrities and travelled the world throughout her career.

Her message to other women is, "Be willing to stand for yourself, within yourself, so that you can surround yourself with the things that honor who you are!"


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