She Leads With Love: Meet Coach Keisha King

We'd love to know what sparked your journey of empowering and healing women. What inspired you to dedicate yourself to this noble cause?

My inspiration to start my mission of helping women heal before romantic love stems from a deeply personal journey marked by experiences of brokenness, abandonment, and the pain of losing someone you believed loved you reciprocally.  

My belief was that these trials were part of a divine plan, allowing me to undergo a unique process of healing that ultimately allowed me to step into my authentic power and become a Queen-conscious woman.

I've developed a profound empathy by intimately understanding the emotional struggles and obstacles firsthand.

This empathy was born out of my own healing journey, and it serves as a guiding light for me to help other women navigate similar challenges.

My mission has become a testament to the transformative power of turning personal pain into a purposeful mission to support and uplift others on their healing journeys.

What aspect of your journey has brought you the greatest sense of fulfillment?

The most rewarding part of my journey is guiding individuals out of toxic relationships, witnessing their liberation, and supporting them as they begin a transformative healing process.

Additionally, witnessing the positive transformations in women lives as they rediscover self-love and resilience has been incredibly rewarding.

Also, I’m so grateful to have a safe space in my private community, where I guide women through self-discovery, emphasizing the importance of self-worth, self-love, self-healing, and setting boundaries.

Through this process, women learn to prioritize self-care and embrace personal growth.

By imparting these invaluable tools to my Queens, I pave the way for women to navigate relationships from a place of self-love and understanding, laying a solid foundation for healthier connections in the future.

"Perfect love casts out fear" - this saying holds within it a powerful truth. When we harness love in our lives, we can overcome self-doubt, uncertainty, and limiting beliefs. How have you tapped into the power of love to conquer your own fears and live your best life?

When I engross myself with unconditional love, it becomes a powerful force against these negative thoughts.

Embracing self-love involves acknowledging my worth, understanding that imperfections are part of being human, and appreciating my unique qualities. By focusing on the positive aspects of who I am and showing compassion for myself, I create a foundation that is bulletproof to self-doubt.

Moreover, this mindset helps me navigate uncertainty by fostering confidence in my ability to adapt and learn. Perfect love, in this context, means accepting the unknown and trusting that you have the resilience to face challenges.

Regarding limiting beliefs, embracing perfect love involves challenging negative thoughts and replacing them with affirmations rooted in self-compassion. It allows me to redefine my own self-perception and break free from beliefs that have held me back.

In essence, harnessing "perfect love casts out fear" means utilizing a mindset of self-love and acceptance as a powerful tool to overcome self-doubt, uncertainty, and limiting beliefs, fostering a more positive and resilient outlook on myself and my capabilities.

"Why do you think it's crucial for women to support endeavors that come from the heart, such as the work you're doing?"

Supporting a woman who dedicates herself to inspiring and helping others to heal before love is essential for fostering a community of empowerment and resilience. By rallying behind this cause, women contribute to a collective movement prioritizing self-discovery and well-being. My work provides a roadmap for others to navigate the complexities of healing, fostering a sense of hope and solidarity. 

Furthermore, supporting a woman in this role challenges traditional narratives and gender stereotypes, reinforcing that women can be leaders in promoting emotional and mental well-being. It sends a powerful message that women can play instrumental roles in guiding others towards self-love and healing.

In addition, endorsing and supporting such endeavors creates a ripple effect, encouraging more women to embrace their unique journeys and prioritize their mental and emotional health. This collective support forms a network of strength where individuals can find inspiration and encouragement to embark on personal growth paths.

Ultimately, supporting a woman who inspires others to heal before finding external love contributes to the creation of a compassionate and empowering community where women uplift each other and collectively redefine what it means to thrive emotionally and mentally.

Annisha Jones

Meet Annisha Jones: Blogger, Podcaster, and Freelance Writer

Annisha Jones is a multi-talented professional with a passion for sharing stories and insights about personal development and positive change. She has a wealth of experience in business administrative communication, writing, and copywriting for various publications.

With an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a master's degree in International Business, Annisha brings over 20 years of experience to the table. Her blog and podcast, "5 Years to 40 Podcast," is aimed at easing the fears of millennials who are approaching their fortieth birthday.

It provides inspiration, confidence, and guidance in areas such as health, careers, and relationships. By collaborating with guests and experts, Annisha's weekly chats give readers and listeners invaluable insights.

Annisha has many favourite things including a cup of coffee, an inspiring conversation, and a fantastic day by the ocean with her loved ones. But more than anything else, her greatest joy comes from raising her teenage daughter.



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